Monthly Archives: February 2015

7 days away

Fear. Timidity. Hope. Terror. Excitement. Believe it or not, this gamut of emotions accurately describes how I feel about March 3, 2015. What is so striking about this date that it instills both terror and excitement?

For those who are new readers and may not be aware, I have been slowly, painstakingly working my way towards getting my Master’s in Illustration. This semester marks the halfway point in this journey. Exactly 7 days, 13 hours and 54 minutes from now, I will be attending my Midpoint Review. This is my chance to present my thesis proposal to a prestigious board of successful artists. Assuming my thesis is accepted, I will then have the green light to continue on in my studies and pour my work and time into my thesis. If denied, I will have to re-work my thesis proposal in order to re-present at a later date. Perhaps now the flood of conflicting emotions makes sense. I am afraid and terrified that what I have done will not pass muster, I’m timid about being judged by a panel of people I hope to someday have as my peers, I’m excited about the prospect of continuing on in my studies, and beginning my work towards my final goals. Finally, I’m hopeful that my proposal will be accepted.

Well, that’s about it for this post. Prayers and well wishes are coveted for next Tuesday, and this next week as I anticipate the Review. I will let you all know how it goes. In the meantime…….back to work!

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Posted by on February 24, 2015 in Uncategorized


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